From the Pastor’s Desk

You are welcome to our Rccg EFA York, aka The Royal Family. 1Peter 2 vs 9, this is a community of people from various backgrounds, tribes, professions and cultures.

We are very passionate about imparting our community via our social programmes and spiritual activities.

We practise The Kingdom system of government, Jesus Christ as the LORD of Lords and the KING of kings as revealed to us in the book of Rev 17:14 and Rev 19:16.

In the Kingdom system, we are not members, but citizens and our citizenship granted us the full right to everything in the Kingdom.Matt 6: 33, I mean everything the king owns.

The question at hand now is that, what does this LORD and KING owns? psalms 24:1.

Being part of the Royal family, it may suffice you to know that every obligation and responsibilities you can ever think or imagine is made available for all His law abiding citizens, not necessarily because of you as a person, but mainly because of Him as the KING for His glory. Colossians 1:16-19.

It is also a place of Koinonia, where our communication system is Love, this was Jesus Christ’s modus operandi when He came in the flesh, Divinity in Humanity.

It is also a place that guarantees His divine presence, as we live in the Kingdom and observing all things that He commanded us, Matt 28:20.

We own nothing personally in the Kingdom, yet we have everything that God has, as we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ to the Kingdom resources.Romans 8:16-17.

It may interest you to know that as a law abiding citizen seeking the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, every other thing you can ever imagine including divine Health, Wealth, True riches,Protection, Provisions, name it, automatically becomes all inclusive. Matt 6:33.

It is also the family of God that enjoys divine peace, we sleep like babies regardless of situations and circumstances, as we are convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the KING is in total control, and need no help whatsoever. Psalms 127:1-2.

In this Kingdom, FAITH is the major parameter that is needed, and I mean absolutely important for survival, however, the KING is able to make these available at all costs once we remain totally dependant and obedient to His rules and regulations.

In this Kingdom, individuals have no personal opinion, or suggestions ,than to carry out what the KING commands. Referendum is not practised in the Kingdom, however, you are allowed to make a choice, but the choice is still subject to His sovereignty.

Nevertheless, I have a good news for you, as it may interest you to know that amidst all these, the KING is obligated to taking total responsibility for all His law abiding citizens as it were.

Looking forward to seeing and welcoming you to the Royal family in the nearest future.

In Jesus name, you are all welcome to the citadel of Love, Peace and Joy.


Pastor Victor & Pastor (Mrs) Adebisi Olobaniyi.


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